Mild Steel Sheets, plates and floor plates

Mild steel plate/sheets can be supplied in CR4 (Cold Reduced) HR4 (Hot Rolled) and galvanised sheets. Floor Plates (Durbar/Chequer plates). All sheets and plates available from stock.

Mild Steel PlateCR4 sheets HR4 sheetsGalvanised sheets – Steel Floor Plates

We can also offer fabrication services for our mild steel sheet and plate including drilling and press braking.

Mild Steel Plate
Length x Width Thickness Mass per Sq m Length x Width Thickness Mass per Sq m
mm mm Kg/m2 mm mm Kg/m2
2000 x 1000 3 23.55 2000 x 1000 30.00 235.50
2500 x 1250 3 23.55 2500 x 1250 30.00 235.50
3000 x 1500 3 23.55 3000 x 1500 30.00 235.50
3660 x 1830 3 23.55 4000 x 2000 30.00 235.50
4000 x 2000 3 23.55 5000 x 1250 30.00 235.50
2000 x 1000 4 31.40 5000 x 2500 30.00 235.50
2500 x 1250 4 31.40 6000 x 2500 30.00 235.50
3000 x 1500 4 31.40 10000 x 2500 30.00 235.50
3660 x 1830 4 31.40 2000 x 1000 32.00 251.20
2000 x 1000 5 39.25 2500 x 1250 32.00 251.20
2500 x 1250 5 39.25 3000 x 1500 32.00 251.20
3000 x 1500 5 39.25 4000 x 2000 32.00 251.20
3660 x 1830 5 39.25 5000 x 2500 32.00 251.20
4000 x 1750 5 39.25 2500 x 1250 35.00 274.75
4000 x 1830 5 39.25 3000 x 1500 35.00 274.75
4000 x 2000 5 39.25 4000 x 2000 35.00 274.75
6000 x 2000 5 39.25 2000 x 1000 40.00 314.00
2500 x 1250 6 47.10 2500 x 1250 40.00 314.00
3000 x 1500 6 47.10 3000 x 1500 40.00 314.00
3000 x 1525 6 47.10 4000 x 1750 40.00 314.00
3660 x 1830 6 47.10 4000 x 2000 40.00 314.00
4000 x 1750 6 47.10 5000 x 2500 40.00 314.00
4000 x 1830 6 47.10 6000 x 2000 40.00 314.00
4000 x 2000 6 47.10 7500 x 2500 40.00 314.00
6000 x 1500 6 47.10 2000 x 1000 45.00 353.25
6000 x 1830 6 47.10 2500 x 1250 45.00 353.25
6000 x 2000 6 47.10 2500 x 1500 45.00 353.25
6000 x 2500 6 47.10 3000 x 1500 45.00 353.25
8000 x 2000 6 47.10 4000 x 2000 45.00 353.25
8000 x 2500 6 47.10 5000 x 2500 45.00 353.25
2000 x 1000 8 62.80 2000 x 1000 50.00 392.50
2500 x 1250 8 62.80 2500 x 1250 50.00 392.50
3000 x 1500 8 62.80 3000 x 1500 50.00 392.50
3660 x 1830 8 62.80 4000 x 2000 50.00 392.50
4000 x 2000 8 62.80 5000 x 2500 50.00 392.50
5000 x 2500 8 62.80 6000 x 2000 50.00 392.50
6000 x 1500 8 62.80 8000 x 2500 50.00 392.50
6000 x 2000 8 62.80 2000 x 1000 60.00 471.00
8000 x 2000 8 62.80 2500 x 1250 60.00 471.00
2000 x 1000 10 78.50 3000 x 1500 60.00 471.00
2500 x 1250 10 78.50 4000 x 2000 60.00 471.00
3000 x 1500 10 78.50 5000 x 2500 60.00 471.00
4000 x 1750 10 78.50 2000 x 1000 65.00 510.25
5000 x 2500 10 78.50 2500 x 1250 65.00 510.25
6000 x 1500 10 78.50 3000 x 1500 65.00 510.25
6000 x 2000 10 78.50 4000 x 2000 65.00 510.25
6000 x 2500 10 78.50 5000 x 2500 65.00 510.25
10000 x 2000 10 78.50 2000 x 1000 70.00 549.5
10000 x 2500 10 78.50 2500 x 1250 70.00 549.5
2000 x 1000 12 94.20 3000 x 1500 70.00 549.5
4000 x 2000 12 94.20 4000 x 2000 70.00 549.5
6000 x 2000 12 94.20 5000 x 2500 70.00 549.5
6000 x 2500 12 94.20 2000 x 1000 75.00 588.75
2000 x 1000 12.5 98.13 2500 x 1250 75.00 588.75
2500 x 1250 12.5 98.13 3000 x 1500 75.00 588.75
3000 x 1500 12.5 98.13 4000 x 2000 75.00 588.75
3050 x 1525 12.5 98.13 5000 x 2500 75.00 588.75
4000 x 1750 12.5 98.13 2000 x 1000 80.00 628.00
4000 x 2000 12.5 98.13 2500 x 1250 80.00 628.00
5000 x 2500 12.5 98.13 3000 x 1500 80.00 628.00
6000 x 1500 12.5 98.13 4000 x 2000 80.00 628.00
6000 x 2000 12.5 98.13 2000 x 1000 90.00 706.5
6000 x 2500 12.5 98.13 2500 x 1250 90.00 706.5
2000 x 1000 15 117.75 3000 x 1500 90.00 706.5
2500 x 1250 15 117.75 4000 x 2000 90.00 706.5
3000 x 1500 15 117.75 5000 x 2000 90.00 706.5
4000 x 1750 15 117.75 2000 x 1000 100.00 785.00
4000 x 2000 15 117.75 2500 x 1250 100.00 785.00
4000 x 2500 15 117.75 3000 x 1500 100.00 785.00
5000 x 2500 15 117.75 4000 x 2000 100.00 785.00
6000 x 2500 15 117.75 5000 x 2500 100.00 785.00
2500 x 1250 20 157.00 2000 x 1000 110.00 863.50
3000 x 1500 20 157.00 2500 x 1250 110.00 863.50
4000 x 2000 20 157.00 3000 x 1500 110.00 863.50
4000 x 2500 20 157.00 2000 x 1000 115.00 902.75
5000 x 2500 20 157.00 2500 x 1250 115.00 902.75
6000 x 2000 20 157.00 3000 x 1500 115.00 902.75
7500 x 2500 20 157.00 2000 x 1000 120.00 942.00
8000 x 2000 20 157.00 2500 x 1250 120.00 942.00
10000 x 3000 20 157.00 3000 x 1500 120.00 942.00
2000 x 1000 22.50 176.63 2000 x 1000 130.00 1020.50
2500 x 1250 22.50 176.63 2500 x 1250 130.00 1020.50
3000 x 1500 22.50 176.63 3000 x 1500 130.00 1020.50
4000 x 2000 22.50 176.63 4000 x 2000 130.00 1020.50
5000 x 2500 22.50 176.63 2000 x 1000 135.0 1059.75
2000 x 1000 25.00 196.25 2500 x 1250 135.0 1059.75
2500 x 1250 25.00 196.25 2000 x 1000 140.00 1099.00
3000 x 1500 25.00 196.25 2500 x 1250 140.00 1099.00
4000 x 2000 25.00 196.25 3000 x 1500 140.00 1099.00
5000 x 2500 25.00 196.25 2000 x 1000 150.00 1177.5
6000 x 2500 25.00 196.25 2500 x 1250 150.00 1177.5
6000 x 3000 25.00 196.25 3000 x 1500 150.00 1177.5
8000 x 2000 25.00 196.25
10000 x 2500 25.00 196.25
Mild Steel Plate
Cold Reduced – Mild Steel Sheets – Grade EN 10130 : 1991 FePO1 (formerly BS1449-1 :1983/CR4)
Length x Width Thickness Mass per Sq m Length x Width Thickness Mass per Sq m
mm mm Kg / m2 mm mm Kg / m2
2000 x 1000 0.8 6.28 2000 x 1000 1.60 12.56
2500 x 1250 0.8 6.28 2500 x 1250 1.60 12.56
2000 x 1000 0.9 7.07 3000 x 1500 1.60 12.56
2500 x 1250 0.9 7.07 2000 x 1000 2.00 15.70
1830 x 1220 1.0 7.85 2500 x 1250 2.00 15.70
2000 x 1000 1.0 7.85 3000 x 1500 2.00 15.70
2440 x 1220 1.0 7.85 2000 x 1000 2.50 19.63
2000 x 1000 1.20 9.42 2440 x 1220 2.50 19.63
2500 x 1250 1.20 9.42 2500 x 1250 2.50 19.63
Mild Steel Sheets. Decoil to length available
Hot Rolled – Mild Steel Sheets – Grade BS1449 – S1.2 (1991) HR4 – Dry / P & O
Length x Width Thickness Mass per Sq m Length x Width Mass per Sq m
mm mm Kg/m2 mm mm Kg/m2
2000 x 1000 1.60 12.56 2000 x 1000 2.50 19.63
2500 x 1250 1.60 12.56 2500 x 1250 2.50 19.63
3000 x 1500 1.60 12.56 3000 x 1500 2.50 19.63
2000 x 1000 2.00 15.70 3660 x 1525 2.50 19.63
2500 x 1250 2.00 15.70 Mild steel sheets hot rolled HR4
3000 x 1500 2.00 15.70
Galvanised Steel Sheet – Grade – BS EN 01042 : 1991 / FePO2G
Length x Width Thickness Mass per Sq m Length x Width Thickness Mass per Sq m
mm mm Kg/m2 mm mm Kg/m2
2000 X 1000 0.6 4.99 2000 X 1000 1.6 12.84
2500 X 1250 0.6 4.99 2500 X 1250 1.6 12.84
2000 X 1000 0.8 6.56 3000 X 1250 1.6 12.84
2500 X 1250 0.8 6.56 2000 X 1000 2.0 15.98
3000 X 1250 0.8 6.56 2500 X 1250 2.0 15.98
2000 X 1000 1.0 8.13 3000 X 1250 2.0 15.98
2500 X 1250 1.0 8.13 2000 X 1000 2.5 19.95
3000 X 1250 1.0 8.13 2500 X 1250 2.5 19.95
2000 X 1000 1.25 10.09 2000 X 1000 3.0 23.83
2500 X 1250 1.25 10.09 2500 X 1250 3.0 23.83
3000 X 1250 1.25 10.09
Also Corrugated Galv. Sheet
Floor Plates – Durbar – Chequer Plate
Grade – BS EN 10025 Fe430A/S275 (formerly BS4360/43A)
Dimensions Weight
mm Kg / m2
2000 x 1000 x 3 O/P 26.19
2500 x 1250 x 3 O/P 26.19
2000 x 1000 x 4.5 O/P 37.97
2500 x 1250 x 4.5 O/P 37.97
3000 x 1500 x 4.5 O/P 37.97
4000 x 1750 x 4.5 O/P 37.97
2000 x 1000 x 6 O/P 48.70
2500 x 1250 x 6 O/P 48.70
3000 x 1500 x 6 O/P 48.70
4000 x 1750 x 6 O/P 48.70
4000 x 1830 x 6 O/P 48.70
2000 x 1000 x 8 O/P 65.44
2500 x 1250 x 8 O/P 65.44
3000 x 1500 x 8 O/P 65.44
4000 x 1750 x 8 O/P 65.44
2000 x 1000 x 10 O/P 81.14
2500 x 1250 x 10 O/P 81.14
3000 x 1500 x 10 O/P 81.14
4000 x 1750 x 10 O/P 81.14
6000 x 1830 x 10 O/P 81.14
2000 x 1000 x 12.5 O/P 100.77
2500 x 1250 x 12.5 O/P 100.77
3000 x 1500 x 12.5 O/P 100.77
4000 x 1750 x 12.5 O/P 100.77
6000 x 1750 x 12.5 O/P 100.77

We supply the construction industry with Structural Steel grade plates, flats and blocks. Grades include S275 and S355

Call 01902 712 360 for nationwide delivery.